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Tips for the school holidays


School holidays are around the corner and some parents are frantic trying to figure out what they will do with their little ones to keep them busy, while not breaking the bank. Here are some handy tips to see you through the school holidays.

The best thing you can do is leverage on activities that are already happening like the soccer world cup. Why not gather around the televisions and make the most out of the day. You can incorporate some face paint; paint and make t-shirts to show support for your team. Getting the children involved and busy will ensure that they are entertained for a good while.

If you want to take the fun outside, why not take the soccer ball with you? Mille has some amazing soccer boots that will make sure that your foot is protected while you are having fun. The more mom and dad are involved the better because who doesn’t like a happy family, right? Mille has the right footwear for your little one. Not only will they be protected but they will look good too. To see the soccer boots we have available, visit our website on

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