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How to wear sneakers with a bit of shine and sheen


Lets face it, wearing sneakers that have a bit of a shine and shimmer isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Why? Well firstly they are intimidating and most of the time people just don’t know what to pair them with. Cue us, here is a guide on how to wear kicks with a bit of shine and sheen.

First and most importantly, try pairing the sneakers with an outfit that isn’t loud. By this we mean, try keeping your colours as modest as possible. A cream top is always a win because the colours go so well together. This goes the same for a black coloured blouse.

Another outfit that most would never really consider especially when wearing it with “shiny shoes”, is a grey checked suit. We cannot stop gushing about how well the two complement each other, most especially when the suit is tapered well at the bottom.

What we love about the Mille Nia Neoprene LO, apart from its sheek colour, is the fact that the shoe is so comfortable. It is a combination of lace up mesh/nylon finished with a neoprene inside sock just for that extra bit of comfort.

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